Wine Wine Gecko Installer Mac

Mono is an open-source and cross-platform implementation of the .NET Framework. Wine can use a Windows build of Mono to run .NET applications.

If you receive a 'Wine Gecko Installer' message while using RootsMagic 7, click on Install. Wine Gecko needs to be installed on the Mac if not already there. Installing Wine on Apple Mac. This tutorial explains how to install Wine application on Apple Mac. This application allows to run Embird (native Windows application) on Apple Mac computer. The XQuartz appplication must be installed before installing Wine. Note: Please note, that applications XQuartz and Wine for Apple Mac are not developed nor supported by Embird team.

  • 1Installing


From source

From a source tree, you can use the 'make dev' target to build Wine Mono and configure the current Wine prefix (default or as set by the WINEPREFIX environment variable) to use the build. The 'make dev-setup' target will just configure the Wine prefix without building.

Shared Install

For packagers, and users with multiple prefixes, a shared install is recommended.

To create a shared install, download the appropriate binary tarball from (or build it from source with 'make bin') and extract it to the appropriate location.

Wine will search for Wine Mono in the following places (replacing 5.0.0 with the expected version):

  • c:windowsmonomono-2.0. Extracting a tarball here is not recommended. If you want to install into a specific prefix, use the Prefix Local Install instructions below. It's only included in this list to make it clear that an installed .msi takes priority over the other loctions.
  • The directory specified in HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareWineMono string value 'RuntimePath'.
  • ${prefix}/share/wine/mono/wine-mono-5.0.0 or ${builddir}/../mono/wine-mono-5.0.0
  • /usr/share/wine/mono/wine-mono-5.0.0
  • /opt/wine/mono/wine-mono-5.0.0

When using a shared install, The 'Wine Mono Windows Support' package must still be installed in the prefix. This is handled automatically on prefix update, so normally it shouldn't be a problem, but in some corner cases you might have to run 'wineboot -u' to set this up after creating the shared install.

Prefix Local Install

Wine will automatically download and install the appropriate Wine Mono MSI on prefix update, so this shouldn't usually be necessary.

If you wish to use a different MSI installer than the one you'd get automatically:

  • Obtain the MSI file you wish to use, either from or by running 'make msi' in a build tree. It's possible you already have the one you want in ~/.cache/wine.
  • Run 'wine uninstaller' and remove 'Wine Mono Runtime' and 'Wine Mono Windows Support' if you have them.
  • Run 'wine msiexec /i path/to/wine-mono.msi'


Wine VersionWine Mono Version


For build instructions, see the readme at


As of Wine Mono 0.0.4, the WINE_MONO_TRACE environment variable may be set as follows to trace calls within Mono:

Wine Wine Gecko Installer Mac

This option is the same as the --trace option in Mono.

Note that 'All assemblies' includes the program itself and all libraries shipped with it. Mono is capable of tracing any .NET code. You probably should avoid the 'all' trace if there might be proprietary code running in the process.

Activating any trace at all, even a bogus assembly name, will cause Mono to print out all exceptions as they occur. This can be useful, but it can also be misleading as some exceptions are perfectly normal.

If you're not sure which libraries might be involved in a problem, and no exceptions are being raised, try WINE_MONO_TRACE=wrapper. It tends to be low-traffic while also containing useful information.

Sometimes Mono's inlining can obscure the source of an exception, especially NotImplementedException. This can be worked around by setting MONO_INLINELIMIT=0.

Setting WINE_MONO_VERBOSE=1 will display the addresses of all JIT-compiled methods. Setting MONO_VERBOSE_METHOD=MethodName will display detailed information about the method, and break into the debugger if one is attached.


Standard .NET namespaces and classes are documented at MSDN here:

Test Suite

As of 5.0, Wine Mono includes a test shell which can run tests from Mono and a few of its own. In the future, it'd be nice to include tests from some of the .NET Core projects as well.

The tests can be built using 'make tests' in the build tree or downloaded from The 'make tests-zip' target will build a zip file for running outside the build tree.

To run the full test suite in Wine, use the 'make test' target.

To run the full test suite in Windows, use run-tests.exe with no arguments.

Both of these methods use a default set of -skip-list, -pass-list, and -fail-list command-line switches to skip certain unreliable tests and to determine which tests are expected to pass or fail. Since these are only tested on Esme's build machine, and even there they are unpredictable, expect some unexpected results.

Specific test names can be passed to run-tests.exe as arguments, for example:

run-tests.exe can be used in the same way on native Linux Mono, or .NET on Windows. It can also be used with the native Mono inside a Wine Mono build tree with the mono-env script:

Note that this particular Mono environment is only intended for building Wine Mono components, and may not accurately reflect the state of upstream Mono.

Test source code can be found in tools/tests, mono/mono/tests, and mono/mcs/class/*/Test. See for information on Mono's tests.

Microsoft .NET

If you need to use Microsoft's implementation of the .NET framework, the Microsoft runtimes can partly run on Wine. You can find tips and share comments with other users at the .NET AppDB page.

You can install the appropriate version of Microsoft's .NET runtime (dotnet35, dotnet30, dotnet20, or dotnet11) through winetricks. Be aware though, that your .NET application still might not work (at least not yet), and Microsoft's .NET runtimes are not free software so be sure to read the EULA before accepting. Mono, on the other hand, is free software, supported by a strong community, and probably a better choice if it works with your application.

.NET Core and .NET 5.0 are different from .NET Framework 4.x and earlier. They are no longer implemented as an OS component, and as such they can work just fine alongside Wine Mono, or alongside earlier .NET Framework versions. Applications relying on .NET 5 will usually include the runtime, meaning that it won't be necessary for users to install it, but the installers should also work fine.

Wine Mono does not make any attempt to implement or replace .NET 5, nor are there any plans to do so. The architectures are very different, and there hasn't been demand for a .NET 5 replacement.

Retrieved from ''

Package: wine-development;Maintainer for wine-development is Debian Wine Party <>; Source for wine-development is src:wine-development (PTS, buildd, popcon).

Reported by: 'Joerg Schiermeier, Bielefeld/Germany' <>

Wine Wine Gecko Installer Mac

Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2015 23:27:01 UTC

Severity: normal

Found in version wine-development/1.7.41-1

Fixed in version wine-development/1.9.9-1

Done: Jens Reyer <>

Bug is archived. No further changes may be made.

View this report as an mbox folder, status mbox, maintainer mbox

Report forwardedto, Debian Wine Party <>:
Bug#783428; Package wine-development. (Sun, 26 Apr 2015 23:27:06 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Acknowledgement sentto 'Joerg Schiermeier, Bielefeld/Germany' <>:
New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to Debian Wine Party <>. (Sun, 26 Apr 2015 23:27:06 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Message #5 received at (full text, mbox, reply):

From: 'Joerg Schiermeier, Bielefeld/Germany' <>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <>
Subject: Could not load wine-gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.

Information forwardedto, Debian Wine Party <>:
Bug#783428; Package wine-development. (Mon, 27 Apr 2015 00:15:05 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Acknowledgement sentto Michael Gilbert <>:
Extra info received and forwarded to list. Copy sent to Debian Wine Party <>. (Mon, 27 Apr 2015 00:15:05 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Message #10 received at (full text, mbox, reply):

Subject: Re: [pkg-wine-party] Bug#783428: Could not load wine-gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.

Added blocking bug(s) of 783428: 769707Request was from Michael Gilbert <>to (Mon, 27 Apr 2015 00:15:05 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Message sent onto 'Joerg Schiermeier, Bielefeld/Germany' <>:
Bug#783428. (Mon, 27 Apr 2015 00:15:10 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Information forwardedto, Debian Wine Party <>:
Bug#783428; Package wine-development. (Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:45:17 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Acknowledgement sentto Mike McGuire <>:
Extra info received and forwarded to list. Copy sent to Debian Wine Party <>. (Mon, 27 Apr 2015 17:45:17 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Message #20 received at (full text, mbox, reply):

To: '' <>
Subject: Re: Bug#783428: Could not load wine-gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.

Information forwardedto, Debian Wine Party <>:
Bug#783428; Package wine-development. (Tue, 28 Apr 2015 03:33:04 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Acknowledgement sentto Mike McGuire <>:
Extra info received and forwarded to list. Copy sent to Debian Wine Party <>. (Tue, 28 Apr 2015 03:33:04 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Message #25 received at (full text, mbox, reply):

To: '' <>
Subject: RE: Bug#783428: Could not load wine-gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.

Information forwardedto, Debian Wine Party <>:
Bug#783428; Package wine-development. (Sun, 09 Aug 2015 08:36:04 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Acknowledgement sentto Ralf Jung <>:
Extra info received and forwarded to list. Copy sent to Debian Wine Party <>. (Sun, 09 Aug 2015 08:36:04 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Wine Gecko Installer Mac

Message #30 received at (full text, mbox, reply):

Subject: Re: RE: Bug#783428: Could not load wine-gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.

Information forwardedto, Debian Wine Party <>:
Bug#783428; Package wine-development. (Mon, 21 Sep 2015 23:09:04 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Acknowledgement sentto Jens Reyer <>:
Extra info received and forwarded to list. Copy sent to Debian Wine Party <>. (Mon, 21 Sep 2015 23:09:04 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Message #35 received at (full text, mbox, reply):

To: Ralf Jung <>,
Subject: Re: Bug#783428: Could not load wine-gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.

Information forwardedto, Debian Wine Party <>:
Bug#783428; Package wine-development. (Fri, 13 May 2016 15:57:10 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Acknowledgement sentto Jens Reyer <>:
Extra info received and forwarded to list. Copy sent to Debian Wine Party <>. (Fri, 13 May 2016 15:57:10 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).


Message #40 received at (full text, mbox, reply):

Subject: Fix committed (was: Could not load wine-gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.)

Added tag(s) pending.Request was from Jens Reyer <>to (Fri, 13 May 2016 15:57:10 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Reply sentto Jens Reyer <>:
You have taken responsibility. (Wed, 01 Jun 2016 05:57:05 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).

Notification sentto 'Joerg Schiermeier, Bielefeld/Germany' <>:
Bug acknowledged by developer. (Wed, 01 Jun 2016 05:57:05 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).


Message #47 received at (full text, mbox, reply):

Wine Wine Gecko Installer Mac Download

Subject: Bug#783428: fixed in wine-development 1.9.9-1

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